'Like many of the artisans, when I am not teaching TOTB workshops, I actually have other jobs as well. I normally teach two and a half days a week at my local FE college, teaching level 3 Nails and I am also an Educator for Grafton International, on my days off....so there is always something going on...
Saturday 19th July : I was teaching lecturers in a well know west end college, that was fun, then I went home...tomorrow is Roadshow day.
Sunday 20th July: Well today's the day....Roadshow Day..Yeah!
Been up since ridiculous o'clock, to check I have packed all my kit, ready for the days activities. I've made sure the kids are up as they are off today to Bedford River Festival, to participate in festival fun, slightly gutted, I am not going, love an excuse to shake a leg.
08:15 Out the door dropping the kids off at Kings Cross Station.
08:50 Kids are dropped off, now making my way to Park Inn, Heathrow.
09:30 Arrive at Heathrow, park the car grab my kit.
09:35 Make my way to our room for the day, meet Rebecca, Sam and Devon and find out where I am seated then get set up.
09:45 My fellow artisan and colleague, Jessica arrives, that means the gangs all here's
10:00 We are open for business
Today I am working on the try me table. This is were tech's can get to try out the different products from Be Creative and Original Sugar, our sister company. They get to ask questions about any difficulties they maybe having, use the products and create some great designs!
The most common question or problem that tech's have is using the nail art pen, and I love the fact that when you sit with a tech and guide them through using the nail art pen, and they leave being able to use the pen correctly, so my job is done and as they are so happy, this makes me happy.
Tech's come and go throughout the day, at around 3:30 we start to pack up, once everything is cleared away then off home we go, but not for me today...
My day has still got away to go, I need to drive to Bedford to collect the kids.....
20:00 We reach home, grab something to eat, collapse in front of the telly, chat about our day, I get into bed with the satisfaction of knowing I can relax, no work tomorrow (schools out for Summer!)....Might even be a duvet day.....
Night, night until next time,
Susan xx'
Susan Walters
Be Creative Artisan,